Thursday, November 18, 2010

best sunset of the year

...was about two weeks ago.  as you can see, the sky was ridiculous.  i didn't take too many photos since i wasted all my taking-photos-during-sunset energy the night before when it was, as i know now, but didn't at the time, the 2nd best sunset of the year.  it was a great one to enjoy without the camera though, so i have no regrets.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

last of lily + ryan {san francisco engagement photographer}

i finally finished going through lily & ryan's engagement photos.  the entire set is posted here on my website and below are a few of my favorites from the last batch.  they are so cute!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

favorite sunrise of the year

a few months ago i woke up to this ridiculously low, beautiful fog covering the bay.  i probably took photos for 45 minutes before getting ready for work...  i just couldn't stop.  as the sun got higher it changed the color of the sky and the fog and made for some pretty great photos.  even the bay bridge was poking out from the clouds!

Monday, November 15, 2010

blair comes to SF {san francisco children's photographer}

my super cute niece blair won the special award for first niece or nephew to come visit aunt gangy in san francisco!  this award means a lot to me since i am usually the one going to visit my nieces and nephews, it's very special to get a visit from one of them!

we had a great weekend and i was able to get a few adorable shots of blair's new cool skill of smiling :)

here is my favorite...

come back again soon, blair!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

more lily + ryan {san francisco engagement photographer}

i got a lot done on these this week.  i like too many not to post all of them!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

two year old jules + omi {bay area family photographer}

i was in denver for julian's second birthday a few weeks ago.  i can't believe he's two already!!  and i could not believe how big omi got in just a few months.  she's a completely different baby!

here are my two favorite photos of them from their gangy photoshoots.  just LOVE julian's smile.  he's such a happy baby little boy!

and what a sweet girl omi is.  she really just does whatever you tell her to.  and has so many adorable faces!  i'll have to post more once i get to them.  i love those cheeks!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

lily + ryan: sneak peek {san francisco engagement photographer}

a couple sundays ago i met up with lily & ryan to do some engagement photos.  we went to a few locations - some with meaning to them, others that were just good spots for gigi to be in the background.  i actually like too many of these photos so going through them is taking a long time.  i need to get quicker at picking my favorites!  here are the first two i was able to fix up.
the first is in front of the first apartment they lived in together.  i was so excited that old man was walking by right as i took this shot!

this second shot i took in cavallo point.  the sun was going down and i wanted to play with the rays a bit.  lily & ryan were both very good sports about having to kiss so much!  this photo actually came out too dark, but i loved too much about this photo to not use it...  the ray of sun sneaking through and how they're right at the moment before the kiss which is much more exciting in a photo than the actual kiss...

more to come soon!!